Selasa, 02 Maret 2021

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2020

My Goals

        In this text i want to share my what i want for my future, first what i want after i graduate highschool i want to go to a university in Japan, why i want to study there is because i like japanese culture, language, the people and the country itself, what i like about Japan is that people there is so discipline, the puople always obey the rules, and they're so kind, even the criminal rate there is so small, thats why i want to study there, and if i can i want to work there, or even live there.

        Second, i want to study hard so i can work, in another country, like i said on the first paragraph,  that i want to atleast study or work in Japan. but for work, i'm not depends only in Japan i really want to work overseas, because the inccome there is a lot, but actually the tax and the cost for living there is not like in Indonesia, if you want to live there you also need a lot of money, that's why the income there is so expensive.

        Third, i want to work first after i graduated, maybe for 4-7 years, and then i'm going to search for my life partner, actually it depends where i'm working at, and am i ready or not for a wedding, but i'm not really that desperate, because i can save my money for my own good and for hobbies, and i want to make a youtube channel for a gaming content, and for a side job.

        Forth, i want to have a really good and fancy gaming setup for my room, because i just want to play games for the rest of my life, i want to play with my friend and with my fans, maybe after retirement i can still getting money from youtube but only if my youtube channel got viral, when i'm working or after retirement, and i want to have a collection of a car and a motorcycle, i want to have a classic old fancy car. And i just want to enjoy life with my family

        The conclusion is first i want to study in a Japanese University, make a lot of friends there, enjoy the culture, and do a lot of things, and work there atleast, and after i got a lot of money in my saving, i want to build a really good and fancy gaming setup, and make a youtube channel, and if my youtube got viral or noticed, maybe i can get a money aswell from there, and i just want to enjoy my life with my family, that's what i want for my future i think, THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME READING :)).

Kamis, 23 Juli 2020

Suggestion and Offering Dialog

Recruitment New Members of Extra Curricular Program

Coco : have you heard about the extraculiccular open recruitment?
Haato : yeah i've heard it
Coco : do you interested in joining any of the extracuricullars?
Haato : i haven't seen the extracuricullar list tho
Coco : i heard they have japanese club, and because you're into japanese culture i think you should join it!
Haato : really?, I guess i'll join that tho, btw how about you? Are you interested in any club?
Coco : maybe i want to join Basketball club or maybe the other physical extracurricularone, because i happen to like exercising alot y'know?
Haato : yeah maybe that's fun, for you, ah and do you want to join Trilogy?, We can learn more subjects there.
Coco : ah yes you right, my score is still bad afterall.
Haato : same.
Coco : nice, let's improve our math score since our score is not that good there.
Haato : sure, oh i think they post a poster about the extracurricular information, on the billboard, let's chek it out shall we?
Coco : finally, lessagow.

Senin, 20 Januari 2020


Narrative Text Tentang Hansel and Gretel Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

Hansel and Gretel

Once upon a time, there was once a very, very poor woodcutter, who lived in a forest with his wife and his two children Hansel and Gretel.

One day, their stepmother, for she was not their real mother, told her husband that they ought to abandon them in the forest, for that way the small amount of food they had left would all be for them. Their father was persuaded and they abandoned the children in the forest. But Hansel, who was very bright, was dropping crumbs of bread along the path, so that they would be able to find their way home. That night they slept and at dawn they looked for the crumbs of bread, but they did not find any, for the birds had eaten them up. They walked and walked, lost in the immense forest, and in the very deepest part of it, they came upon a pretty little house. When they came near to the little house, they realized that it was made of candy, cakes and chocolate. They were so hungry that they started to eat the bricks made of chocolate and candy, stuffing them in greedily. “Isn’t this nice?”
But suddenly, out of the house came a witch. “What’s going on here? who is eating my house?” she was a wicked witch who had build the house with sweetmeats to attract the children so that she could eat them up. That was how Hansel and Gretel fell into the trap laid by the wicked witch, who shut Hansel up in the cage and gave him lots of cakes to eat to fatten him up for the pot. She set Gretel to work helping her in the kitchen, but she was intending to eat her up too. Days went by and when the witch saw that Hansel was not getting any fatter, she decided to cook him and eat him. The little girl was very frightened when she saw the fate that awaited her little brother. The witch prepared the oven for Hansel, but decided she was hungry enough to eat Gretel, too. She coaxed Gretel to the open oven and prods her to leaned over in front of it to saw if the fire is hot enough.
Gretel sensed the witch’s intent, pretended she did not understand what she mean. Infuriated, the witch demonstrated, and Gretel instantly shoved the witch into the oven, slum and bolted the door shut, leaving the ungodly witch to be burned to ashes. The witch screaming in pain until she died. Gretel freed Hansel from the cage and the pair discovered a vast treasure and precious stones. Putting the jewels into their clothing, the children set off for home.

A swan ferried them across an expanse of water and at home they find only their father, his wife was died from unknown cause. The father has spent all his day lamented the loss of his children, and was delighted to see them safe. And then they all live happily ever after.


1. What is the synonym of ought?

A. Should
B. Thought
C. Tough
D. Toad
E. Tore

2. What is the moral of the story?

A. Don't be a selfish
B. Dont judge a book by it's cover
C. Don't insult people
D. Don't make fun of people
E. Don't be kind

3. Who is the character in the story?

A. Hansel, Gretel, dad, and stepmother
B. Hansel, Gretel, dad, and mom
C. Hansel and Gretel
D. Dad and Mom
E. Hansel and Dad

4. What is the main idea of the story?

A. Two children that got abanddon by their parents
B. Two children that live happily
C. A witch that eats children
D. A house made of chocolatte and candy
E. A dad and a mom

5. stuffing them in greedily. “Isn’t this nice?”. What is the sentence reffered to?

A. The bricks of the house that made of cakes and chocolate
B. Fruits
C. Potions
D. Crumb breads
E. Apples

Senin, 06 Januari 2020

My Holliday

My Wonderful Holiyay

             Nothing special with my holiday, but i spent all my time with my family, in the first week of the holiday we went to Purwokerto, Center Java. We went to my grandmother house, we went  at night and arrived at tomorrow morning, i was so exhausted and then i passed out in bed, from afternoon to night i just eat, drink, sleep, and do pray but tomorrow is gonna be amazing because we go into BaturRaden with my family.

             And in tomorrow morning my mom woke me up because i slept very comfortable even its on the couch lol, and so i took a bath and got my suit on, we first take a pray first, we go there in the morning by hiring a car from my grandmother house into BaturRaden, our trip doesn't take a long time maybe about 3 hours, and after we arrived there we went to the Mini World first because my mom is like really want to go there and after from the Mini World we go to the waterfall.

             In the Mini World we took a lot of photos, well actually its my sister that always took a photo whenever there's a nice spot she like, and my mother too tho. After we taken a lot of photos we went to see a waterfall called curug Jenggala and curug Bayan, it was a very breathtaking trip actually because we had to took a really bad road like really a natural one, and the way is SO uphill i almost fell off when i walk tho, but when we got there its worth the pain, it was very very beautiful there, the waterfall, the plants it's just green and so refreshing, we took a photos too there but bad for us it rain down a heavy rain.

             after we went to the waterfall we went back to the car but we need to wait first because there's a heavy rain, lucky for us there is a place that we can use to cover us from the rain,and it actually selling foods and drinks yay, after about 15 minute we wait we finally continue our walk to the car, but we had to took the extreme road again, and after a long way walking we finally make it to the car, and then we headed home, at that time i think it's about almost night time so i was so sleepy there, and when we arrived at home i immediately jump to bed and die, just kidding i was just exhausted.

             Well that's my storyyy :DDD.