Senin, 30 September 2019


At this time i want to tell you reader about "Firefly". Do you know about this beautiful looking creature? do you know why they can produce light from their body? if you know, that's cool but, if you dont you must stick to this disscussion, and i will tell you about it's scientific classification ; ).

The Lampyridae are a family of insects in the beetle order Coleoptera with over 2,000 described species. They are soft-bodied beetles that are commonly called fireflies or lightning bugs for their conspicuous use of bioluminescence during twilight to attract mates or prey. Fireflies produce a "cold light", with no infrared or ultraviolet frequencies. This chemically produced light from the lower abdomen may be yellow, green, or pale red, with wavelengths from 510 to 670 nanometers. Some species such as the dimly glowing "blue ghost" of the Eastern US are commonly thought to emit blue light (<490 nanometers), though this is a false perception of their truly green emission light due to the Purkinje effect.

Fireflies are found in temperate and tropical climates. Many are found in marshes or in wet, wooded areas where their larvae have abundant sources of food. Some species are called "glowworms" in Eurasia and elsewhere. While all known fireflies glow, only some adults produce light and the location of the light organ varies among species and between sexes of the same species. The form of the insect which emits light varies from species to species (for example, in the glow worm found in the UK, Lampyris noctiluca, it is the female that is most easily noticed. In the Americas, "glow worm" also refers to the closely related family Phengodidae. In New Zealand and Australia the term "glow worm" is in use for the luminescent larvae of the fungus gnat Arachnocampa. In many species of fireflies, both male and female fireflies have the ability to fly, but in some species, the females are flightless

Light production in fireflies is due to a type of chemical reaction called bioluminescence. This process occurs in specialized light-emitting organs, usually on a firefly's lower abdomen. The enzyme luciferase acts on the luciferin, in the presence of magnesium ions, ATP, and oxygen to produce light. Gene coding for these substances has been inserted into many different organisms (see Luciferase – Applications). The genetics of firefly bioluminescence, focusing on luciferase, has been reviewed by John Day. Firefly luciferase is used in forensics, and the enzyme has medical uses – in particular, for detecting the presence of ATP or magnesium. All fireflies glow as larvae. In lampyrid larvae, bioluminescence serves a function that is different from that served in adults. It appears to be a warning signal to predators, since many firefly larvae contain chemicals that are distasteful or toxic.

Photic emission in the adult beetle was originally thought to be used for similar warning purposes, but it is now understood that its primary purpose is in mate selection. It has been shown that early larval bioluminescence was adopted in adult fireflies, and was repeatedly gained and lost before becoming fixed and retained as a mechanism of sexual communication in many species. Adult lampyrids have a variety of ways to communicate with mates in courtships: steady glows, flashing, and the use of chemical signals unrelated to photic systems. Chemical signals, or pheromones, are the ancestral form of sexual communication; this pre-dates the evolution of flash signaling in the lineage, and is retained today in diurnally-active species. Signals, whether photic or chemical, allow fireflies to identify mates of their own species. Flash signaling characteristics include differences in duration, timing, color, and repetition, and vary interspecifically and geographically. When flash signals are not sufficiently distinguished between species in a population, sexual selection encourages divergence of signaling patterns.

Scientific classificatione :

Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Arthropoda
Class:     Insecta
Order:     Coleoptera
Superfamily:  Elateroidea
Family:      Lampyridae

Subfamilies :

Ototretinae (disputed)

oh yeah and fireflies is also a music tittle sang by the owl city, its an old songs tho but it was nice, the song is so chill, you can check it if you want too ; ), but if you already know, you have a good taste of music believe me :D. That's my description about firefly, if you have something to say or anything just leave a comment.


1. what is the other name for firefly?
2. what family did firefly from?
3. where usually firefly can be found?
4. how many described species are there?
5. what type of firefly that are flightless?!AhE-nRuc4u-ChjZHxW7jwIrNfyQH 

Minggu, 29 September 2019


Jerome Polin Sijabat (born in Jakarta2 Mei 1998; umur 21 tahun), 

Jerome polin is one the success youtuber in Indonesia, his videos are about vlogs, solving a math problem, learning Japan, and how living in Japan feels like, he lives in Japan because he get a scholarship to take S1 Mathematics in Japan, do you wonder how did he get the scholarship and motivate me to learn even more? then keep reading!.

The story begins in 2004, in 2004 Jerome's family moved from Malang to Surabaya, in that year he graduated kindergarten and go to an elementary school, in Surabaya they didn't know where Jerome will take elementary school, because he's not from a live on easy street family, and then there's a school that give Jerome a free scholarship, the school name is IPH SCHOOL (Intan Permata Hati), IPH SCHOOL is a high class school, there's a lot of rich people there, and after long holiday, everybody in class talking that they're went to Hongkong, Singapore, but Jerome never went to any countries until high school, and from that Jerome has a dream to study in other country from elementary school.

in High School he took study in SMAN 5 Surabaya, because his UN score got top ten in East Java.
in high school he make a commitment, he want to study really hard and want to take olimpiade as many as he can, so he could got an achievement to got a scholarship because he like mathematics so he learn maths alot,
in 10 grade he complete all high school matery, but in grade 10 he never win any competition.
and in grade 11 to 12 he got lot of wins.

and in grade 10 he find an information for a full S1 Scholarship in other country, he ask his friends, and his relations. And finally he got an information that to get a full S1 scholarship is in the world top university 
NTU (Nanyang Technological University) Singapore, after he got that information he search up in internet about NTU questions, and when he sees that, the questions is very hard, like if you know cambridge A level, its harder than that.

and in grade 11 first month he learn so hard, he always went to the library he borrow the A level cambridge book and learn it there, and he even study in angkot untill Jerome got noticed by his friend that he learn in angkot. And finally in grade 12 he did the test, everybody there was like practice very hard that make Jerome pesimist, and after a weeks or 2 he got an E-mail from NTU and it says that Jerome got accepted in NTU yayy!!!, but... he didn't got a full scholarship. so he ask them that can he get a full scholarship, they say from the final score he did not competent to get a full scholarship. Because of that he feel downed and broken.

but a week after that his brother got an information that there is a program from Mitsui Bussan that they giving a free full S1 scholarship, hearing that Jerome got very excited and ask a lot of question, and the person that can take this scholarship is only 2 PERSON (from 27.000 participant). so he registered, the first test is score selection, because his average score in raport is 94 he pass the first test easily, the needed score to pass is 80 score in raport.

The second test is writing test, the test is Mathematics and English, but they didn't tell the participant about the matery of the test. So Jerome keep study and study and he finaly pass the second test thanks to his study from all the olimpiade and the test from NTU. The third test is physicological test and health test and he also pass the third test.

And finally the final test, the final test is interview, because Jerome never did an interview before he lookup on youtube and internet about how to talk politely and to answer right, and after the test he feel very satisfied because all the thing that he prepared is applied in the interview, and the interviewer seems interested to Jerome because when they ask him his dream Jerome answered that he want to be MENDIKBUD Indonesia. And after a weeks he got a call from unknown and he says "Congratulation Jerome you got a full S1 scholarship in Japan". Jerome got very happy and talk to his mom and his family, his mom cry and his siblings and father is very happy

sooo that's Jerome Polin story untill he gets a full scholarships in japan the message in this story is that you have to work hard to get what you want, you need to have a target for what you want to achieved

1. what is Jerome favorite subjects?
2. where did he was born?
3. what makes him so optimist?
4. why did Jerome feel sad?
5. did he get a full scholarship on NTU?

Sabtu, 21 September 2019

Japanese Art Festival

Do you like Art? Do you like Japanese stuff? Then you must come to the "JAPANESE ART FESTIVAL 2019".

You can enjoy alot of stuff like the dance cover and the sing cover, you can even see like the Japanese art and cultur aswell.

If you dont want to just sit there and see your friends participating, you can also participate the contest too by contacting the executive chief.

For the fee and contest you can see below here :

  • Character Design
  • Karuta Kanna
  • Roudoku
  • Speech Contest 
  • Sing Cover
  • Dance Cover
  • Shuuji
For the fee you only pay :
- 35k for all contest except for cover dance
- 75k for the cover dance because you bring your team

For the rundown :
09:30 - 11:35 ; Karuta kanna, Character Design,  Roudoku, and speech contest.

11:35 - 13:00 ; Karuta kanna half 2.

13:00 - 15:00 ; Sing Cover

15:00 - 17:00 ; Dance Cover

17:00 - 18:00 ; winner announcement

18:00 ; go home

So dont forget to participate this Japanese Art Show on 27 october 2019, see you there ;).

- Treasurer
- chief executor
- decoration

Senin, 26 Agustus 2019



Ari : Wait, Is that you Alkaissa?
Alka : Oh, yes and are you Ari right?
Ari : Yes! Long time no see, where have you been
Alka : I've been moving from sumedang to bandung,              have you eat tahu sumedang?
Ari : Ofcourse i do! Your hairs looks good
Alka : Thankyou, I cut my hair at maman barbershop,            i heard you win a cooking competition?
Ari : Yes i win it yesterday
Alka : Congratulation, Ari!!
Ari : Thank you
Alka : Where do you learn to cook?
Ari : My parents teach me how to cook since i was l               little
Alka : That's cool!!, I want to ask you something
Ari : What do you want to ask?
Alka : How many person that join the competition
Ari : I think it's about a hundred
Alka : Are the competition difficult for you?
Ari : Yes it's very hard
Alka : Why?
Ari : Because there is a lot of person that good in                   cooking
Alka : Who is the hardest Opponent?
Ari : I think it's ishmat
Alka : Wow!, And what is the prize?
Ari : I think it's a mercedes benz
Alka : Wow, can you teach me how to cook?
Ari : Sure, just come to my place
Alka : Sorry Ari i have to go now, nice to meet you
Ari : Nice to see you too bye

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2019

Museum Geology Bandung

Inside Museum Geologi Bandung

Bandung Geology Museum is a museum that has become a historical building in the city of Bandung, so that it attracts many tourists.  The museum which is protected and cared for by the government was built on May 16, 1928 and was renovated with aid from Japan so that it currently remains in good condition as a tourist attraction worth visiting in Bandung.  After renovations, the Bandung Geology Museum was reopened by Megawati Sukarnoputri on August 23, 2000.

 Besides getting frequent tourist visits, the Bandung Geology Museum is also often the destination of study tour destinations for schools located in the city of Bandung and its surroundings.  This is because the collections of the Bandung Geology Museum are very useful for education and have very educational values ​​of life history and nature conservation.  The collection which is owned by the Bandung Geology Museum are rocks, fossils and minerals.  In this place visitors can also learn many things related to natural disasters, earth, the use of resources properly, how to process energy, and others


             My name is Muhammad Ariansyah Fajar Saputra im on 10th grade in 3 Senior High School and im 14 years old, i was born in Bandung, 1 November 2004, i am the youngest in my family, i do futsal weekly and sometimes monthly depends on the weather and situation. I used to play games alot but now i just think i need to reduce it.

             I live in abadi 2 no 5 street, in KPAD near UPI i live with my mom, my brother and my two sister, my dad died when i was 5, my mom is very very kind, she always give the things that i ask for, not only my mom but my siblings is very kind too.

            My favorite food is macaroni but idk i like any kind of foods lol, i love listening to music because music just makes me feel comfortable and forget my problems, and i like drawing too almost forgot that, well i guess thats the thing that i want to share to you folks thankyou for your waste of time bye :).